What You Need to Know
Friend, Now that you’re a part of Team No Kid Hungry, we wanted to bring you up to speed on this hidden – yet solvable – crisis.
Lily is one of those kids. Here’s what hunger looks like for her:
Lily’s mom works overtime each day.
Yet she still can't provide her daughter with enough nutritious meals.
This makes it harder for Lily to focus in school and get the healthy meals she needs in the summer.
Hunger is a problem that affects all of us.
Without proper nutrition, kids are more susceptible to obesity and disease.
Many are held back in school – and some never graduate high school.
Billions of tax dollars are spent each year dealing with the side effects of hunger.
Luckily, this is a solvable crisis – one that we are tackling.
There is plenty of food to go around. No Kid Hungry breaks down the barriers that keep children from accessing it.
So how does our No Kid Hungry strategy help kids like Lily? It ensures she gets healthy food EVERY DAY. Here’s how:
Lily receives a free breakfast at school each morning, helping her focus in class.
When school is out, she gets access to a free summer meals program.
Lily’s mom learns to cook nutritious meals on a budget.
Friend, please help us reach more kids like Lily by making a donation to No Kid Hungry today. Together, we can connect more kids to nourishing meals and make No Kid Hungry a reality in America.
© 2015 Share Our Strength  |   1030 15th Street, NW, Suite 1100 W, Washington DC 20005
www.nokidhungry.com  |  contactus@strength.org  |  Unsubscribe